So what's up with the last three weeks? In a word: crazytown. I've been creating a sound design for a theatre festival, shooting and editing a commercial for one client and a Kickstarter video for another, wrapping up that other pesky job, and building a small production studio in our yard. The last was a job that was supposed to take 3-4 days but took two weeks. Two weeks in which I couldn't efficiently set up my equipment; two weeks where everything outside my home was covered in dust.
The interior floors and paint still need to be don; plus whatever small photo/video studio elements need to be built it.
It's been 90 hour weeks. With the studio unavailable to me I missed my Kickstarter video deadline by two days and the still images for the video commercial by five days. It's the first time I've ever missed a deadline. So when do you apologize for inactivity? I sure apologized to them for missing the deadlines. I provided an encouraging update on what had been accomplished thus far, explained my situation clearly without annoying details, set a new deadline for the final delivery.
Hopefully I'm back on track now.